Friday, March 19, 2010

Resuming said blog

Alright, I know I have slacked off for the past however many weeks but I have discovered the root of the problem.
I have writer's anxiety. I get anxious that people won't like my blog or that it won't be funny and I have decided to abandon such thoughts. I love to write and, while I will continue to write about the crazy things that happen to me at work, I am going to throw in random thoughts.

So here we go. Again.

Yesterday my patient told me his previous doctors told him he had "sleep acne". After a split second of rumination, I realized he meant "sleep apnea". I held in my amusement but it continued. I was about to give him a subcutaneous injection of insulin, which is standard protocol in the ICU. He freaked out at the sight of a needle, regardless of how tiny it was, and said he refused a shot. I tried to explain that it wouldn't hurt and we give it to everyone. But he resisted further when I told him it was insulin.

He started protesting that he wasn't diabetic and he didn't need insulin. He then stated that he was "not gonna get addicted to that stuff!" I was laughing so hard internally that I didn't even protest. Insulin is made by your body; that's like being addicted to water. I should have done some education there but I let it go.

2 units of insulin: not given, patient refused.

Unfortunately, this man did not have a permanent residence. He lived in a shelter and, surprisingly to me, had one of the most pleasant dispositions I have encountered as of late. It made me think about how much I complain and compare when I have so much to be thankful for in my life. I take my nice apartment and supportive parents and meaningful job for granted. In Ecclesiastes, Solomon talks about how there's nothing "under the sun" but to work hard and enjoy the blessings you have been given. I aim to be more grateful and enjoy the little moments in my life. Cliche, yes, but nonetheless true.

My patient's girlfriend was laying in the bed with him every time I walked in. Not usually allowed, but pick your battles. The next thing I hear is her yelling "You don't know me at all!" and storming out. Hope it works out.

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